Treasuries of institutions and corporations have various functions like managing working capital, cash and liquidity management for short and long term needs. Along with that, they must take care of the day to day operations, treasury systems and data analytics. As the organisation grows and expands, so do the responsibilities and complexities of these treasury related functions. Add to that the handling of financial risks due to the volatility of the markets.
A company like Mata Securities can assist such treasuries with the smooth functioning of their department. We distribute Mutual Funds and many other third party investment products to such treasuries as per their needs and risk appetite. We aspire to generate solutions and help treasuries achieve optimal risk adjusted returns.
- Mutual Funds: Where treasuries can park their money for as less as one day to various horizons and across different categories as per their investment goal.
- Tax Free Bonds : A low risk investment options with tax benefits
- Corporate Bonds
- Corporate Fixed Deposits
- Transactional support to all its clients
- Customised daily, monthly and annual portfolio returns with all the quants
- All the research reports prepared by its highly experienced research team
- Customised financial literacy programs
- Daily updates on investment product returns
- Ontime update on relevant capital market news